Discover the Curriculum
Grow and Learn Preschool and Daycare have developed a curriculum that will build a lifelong foundation for your kids.
Indeed, at Grow and Learn we know that preschool and daycare are a major milestone in your child’s life.
You are the true expert on your child, and we want you to feel like a part of your child’s academic success, as well as our Preschool community. As your child participates in primary language arts, math, science, music, and art, we hope you develop a partnership with our school and the classroom teacher to ensure an engaging and fun classroom experience.
Early years are widely considered to be among the most vital in a child’s social, emotional and academic development. The big picture is that the social and academic skills kids pick up in Preschool and Daycare are lifelong benefits.
Toddler class
In our Toddler class learning is done through structured play and one-on-one time with the teachers.
The teachers receive the same curriculum guide as the preschool and pre-k programs. This guide includes language arts, science, math, art, music and movement, outdoor experiences, social-emotional development, and more, which the teachers then implement into their daily lesson plans.
✓ Multi-age program
✓ Structured play
✓ math, language arts, science
Preschool class
Preschool is for 3 and 4 year olds who will not be entering Kindergarten in the next school year.
Preschoolers participate in primary language arts, math, art, and science through hands-on discovery and other age-appropriate activities. This class also follows the curriculum guide provided by Grow and Learn which teaches social skills, self help skills and other interaction skills that will prepare them for the Pre-K class and for Kindergarten.
The Preschool curriculum includes:
✓ Counting and number recognition 1-20
✓ Recognizing their name and spelling
✓ Reciting and recognizing ABC’s
✓ Introduction to letter sounds
✓ Introduction to printing (writing skills-pencil & crayon hold)
✓ Introduction to cutting (scissor skills-proper hold)
✓ Recognizing colors and shapes
✓ Music and Movement
✓ Multi-age program
✓ counting
✓ abc
✓ colors and shapes
Pre-K class
Pre-K is for 4 and 5 year olds who will be entering Kindergarten in the next school year.
The Pre-K class teaches concepts for social skills (sharing, getting along with others, conflict resolution, etc.., self help skills (proper toileting habits, washing hands, putting on and off coats, cleaning up time, putting things where they go) and listening skills like following directions and expressing themselves through interaction.
The Pre-K Curriculum includes:
✓ Counting and number recognition 1-20 (includes printing)
✓ Recognizing their name, spell and print
✓ Reciting ABC’s (phonics and printing)
✓ Introduction to letter sounds
✓ Printing (writing skills-pencil & crayon hold)
✓ Cutting (scissor skills-proper hold)
✓ Learning colors and shapes
✓ Music and Movement
✓ spelling
✓ counting
✓ writing skills
✓ letter sounds
Call us at 480-279-3155 or Schedule a Tour to find find out all Grow and Learn Preschool has to offer your child.
✓ Meet our teachers
✓ See our classrooms